Consumers in the United States can purchase directly from KidKraft.com or find our products at many retailers around the globe.
Most of our assembly instructions are available in PDF format on our website. To find the assembly instructions for your product, search for your product and look beneath the Assembly Instructions tab. Or you may search your product number at assembly.kidkraft.com
Visit our YouTube channel for helpful assembly tips - Krafting With Kyle series.
Visit our YouTube channel for helpful assembly tips - Krafting With Kyle series.
KidKraft's policy is to provide replacement parts, usually free of charge, under our 90 day warranty. Simply visit parts.kidkraft.com to begin the parts ordering process.
All of KidKraft’s items are manufactured overseas. Please call for more specific information.
To get started, you will need to complete our credit applications and/or our credit card applications so that we have complete business information from you. If you have your own credit reference sheet, we ask that you have as much information on it as possible. For example, we need your Tax ID number initially to set you up. Most of the information we ask for is:
Name of Business, including Dba
Billing and Ship to addresses
Phone and Fax Numbers
E-mail address if you have one
Website address if you have one
Name of the owner of the business
Name of the accounts payable contact
Tax ID number (resale, federal, sales)
If you are in the state of Texas, we require a copy of your Texas Resale Certificate.
If you choose to have a credit card account, please provide the complete number, expiration date, and the validation code on the back or the front of the card, the name of the cardholder as well as the billing address for the card.
We also require a first order in addition to the applications so that we can complete the set up.
Please contact the KidKraft accounting department for further questions.
Name of Business, including Dba
Billing and Ship to addresses
Phone and Fax Numbers
E-mail address if you have one
Website address if you have one
Name of the owner of the business
Name of the accounts payable contact
Tax ID number (resale, federal, sales)
If you are in the state of Texas, we require a copy of your Texas Resale Certificate.
If you choose to have a credit card account, please provide the complete number, expiration date, and the validation code on the back or the front of the card, the name of the cardholder as well as the billing address for the card.
We also require a first order in addition to the applications so that we can complete the set up.
Please contact the KidKraft accounting department for further questions.